The Plot Thickens...

First off I want to start by saying I love blogspot, it was there for what I needed at the time. It was a bit aimless and naive but still fun. I managed to rack up over 20,000 views and a #1 Google Ranking in under a year, not to shabby if i say so myself. With this and my big bro James Jeremy jumping aboard to start this whole clothing thing, we thought it would be appropriate to get a domain and a half decent looking website. Let us know what you think and hit like.   

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"The Original" Logo

I'd like to introduce the first piece of artwork created by Classic Morrow designed by brother James Jeremy Polis named "The Original". This is what he has to say about The Original "Well having studied a little graphic design, I've always loved typography. The combination of bold type and helvetica turns me on slightly. The font its self, never ages, its Swiss, its sexy. Thats what I represent, not so much the Swiss but swish (some might say) and sexy. Stick a little bit of funk around it, circular boarder, like a stamp of authority and BAM!"  It's original, it's sleek and for everyone... Your welcome.

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Classic Morrow Phliosophy

I often get asked "what is Classic Morrow, what does it mean?". I like to think of Classic Morrow as a lifestyle of philosophy that focuses on the embodiment of timeless creations that can be inspired by the future, present or past that has the ability to be respected in any era. I regularly think of different aspects in music, fashion and culture that i think fall under the Classic Morrow Philosophy. For example in music James Brown, in fashion Nike Air and the Japanese culture. I myself am influenced by many things including American pop culture and Hip Hop, but also undeniably a true Englishman. I expect you'll see many of our various influences pop up and portrayed through out our creations.

Back To Blog Bussiness With a Twist

When i first created this blog well over a year ago i always dreamed of creating my own clothes a dream also shared by my older brother James. My bro studied graphic communication at university for 3 years and is now a snowboarding seasonaire in France. Recently he approached me with the idea of making some clothes under the Classic Morrow name which i think is the best idea hes had in a long while! I know there hasn't been any blog posts on here in a long time but from now on this blog will be mainly focused on things happening within Classic Morrow clothing. In between blog posts you can also catch me/us on TwitterTumblr, and the new Facebook page. So here it is i guess i'm announcing Classic Morrow "clothing"? on the road.

The Original 

The Original